Everyday Heroes
Everyday Heroes
(12) How Did This Guy Go From 80 hour Weeks to Full Time Fishing?
Hey Everyday Heroes beloved family, for the average guy money is rapidly disappearing these days!
This is something I normally don’t do, spreading this kind of message but my heart is breaking seeing thousands of our aviation family being furloughed for who knows how long until they get their job back.
If you need a way to rebuild your life, build a safety net for the future or just plain need more money, you gotta listen to my interview with Seth Taylor, who’s making thirty five thousand dollars a month, closing in on 40 K as we speak, selling Ebooks on Amazon that he doesn’t even write!
Listen to Seth's story of how he went from working 60 to 70 hours a week, 7 days a week, to making an unbelievable amount of money every month, publishing Ebooks on Amazon, written by people who he hires on fiverr for very little money.
He went from being a gas and oil pipeline inspector, with no home life, to him hiring writers, very inexpensively, to create Ebooks that are making the kind of money that you’ll hear about in his interview.
I heard about Seth on another friends’ podcast when I was looking for aviation stories that my listeners would like. When I heard his story I knew immediately that this was someone that I needed to interview, especially because so many of our aviation brothers and sisters are getting laid off their jobs with no possibility of returning soon to an industry that will be massively shrunk for a long time.
If you have questions, hit me up here since I bought the same system a few years ago to write and publish my own book, Fast Lane to Faith, but so far my results aren't quite like Seth's.
But after interviewing him, I’m digging back into the recently updated Kindle Cash Flow system.
How would something like this change your life or make early retirement a reality?
I know, I know, this sounds crazy, but it’s true.
If you're interested, here's my affiliate link where you can check out the program: https://kcf.clickfunnels.com/registration-page-cb-a?hop=botajet1
But in the meantime I’ll let Seth tell you his story…