Everyday Heroes
Everyday Heroes
(11) More Tips For Staying Healthy on The Road.
If you travel for a living, if you're a pilot, flight attendant or professional road warrior and you don't take care of your health the way you know you should, the critical information in this interview with Jill Mongene has been hidden in plain sight and now she reveals it!
What you’ll hear is the kind of information you won’t hear anywhere else for professional nomads or for those of us who struggle with health issues and good nutrition while we’re on the road.
It’s a podcast I did with Jill, a Registered and Certified Dietitian and Nutritionist and it was taken from a webinar she gave a short time ago titled: The Secrets to Avoiding Sickness: Reroute Your Health.
Jill is the wife of an American Airlines captain, Joe Keisling who I interviewed here recently. In our interview, because of her background and expertise as a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, specializing in aviation professionals health, Jill talks about how she brought Joe back to health from some serious conditions that he had just learned to live with before he met Jill.
Jill’s specialty is nutrition for travelers, especially airline flight crews since she specializes in helping pilots get and stay healthy, especially those with High blood pressure, Borderline A1C and a high glucose range.
She also helps flight crews improve their eyesight, and those who struggle with the kind of gut issues that include constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, skin rashes.
Eating healthy when on the road has always a hassle and a challenge. Most of us just cave in and "do the best we can!"
One of the parts of her interview will be extremely helpful for those of us who don't take the time to plan ahead when we travel. In this section you'll hear how to plan for your trips, what to buy, how to pack it and take with you.
I apologize for cutting the interview short but there's so much good, valuable information here that I wanted to make each segment short enough so you were able to take it all in.
The second in the series of Jill's interview will be live next Tuesday, November 3rd, election day; listen to it at www.buzzsprout.com/955717 at 9 am Pacific.
Enjoy her interview and have a pen and paper handy since it’s packed with information that you probably haven’t heard before anywhere else.
You can reach Jill on her Website: https://truecoursenutrition.com/ or on her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jill.mongene.14
Our lifestyles are more challenging than most; it's time to make the small changes that will enable you to be vital and productive long after you quit flying...
We can’t live forever but we can be healthy and enjoy life while we’re here…