Everyday Heroes

(12) Road Warrior Health Secrets for Pilots, Flight Attendants, & Professional Nomads!

Bert Botta

Unheard of! The information in this episode has never been heard before because what Jill is telling us here has never been applied specifically to flight crews and frequent flyers!

Jill Mongene is a registered Dietitian and Nutritionist for the jet age; she teaches and applies this information specifically to those of us who spend most of our lives in the air and on the road: pilots, flight attendants, aviation professionals - anyone who seems to be constantly stressed out and in motion and is wondering how to better care for their health away from home.

You'll hear things in her interview you've never heard applied to aviation professionals before, especially information like what kinds of foods to eat in combination with one another, what to eat to get the maximum benefit from your workouts, what diabetics and pre-diabetics might be doing wrong that is putting them at dangerous risk - and a success story of a diabetic who was flirting dangerously with his health because he didn't know any better - what you need to know about your gut health and how to rebuild it, what the myth around gluten-free is and so much more that  you need to hear.

So give a listen to Jill's interview and subscribe to my podcast channel because there's even more and better stuff coming downline: www.buzzsprout.com/955717

You can contact Jill for a free 30 minute health evaluation here: www.truecoursenutrition.com or on her facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/jill.mongene.14