Everyday Heroes

(14) You Wouldn't Even Know How to Find The Places That This Pilot Flies Into!

Bert Botta

Ney Grant is a world class everything! Flying adventurer, writer, author, blogger, photographer, tech entrepreneur, retired mergers and acquisitions guy, and generally a bighearted guy with a passion for service. 

You’re going to love how he crammed a bunch of garbage cans and hand wash stations into the back of his Cessna 210, schlepped them over to Tuba City, Arizona and delivered them to the Navajo reservation there so the native peoples would be able to stay safe from the covid. 

If you're up for adventure, you’ll have plenty of it in his interview. You’ll hear how he had no intention of learning how to fly but did so out of the necessity of having to commute from his home in northern California to his tech company in Silicon Valley.

Then, as is usually the case, flying became an obsession; so much so that he decided to discover any and all the places that normal people only dream about seeing but never get to! 

If you like what you hear, order his book, Fifty Classic Destinations for Pilots: Epic Adventures, Romance and Outdoor Fun in the Western USA here https://westcoastflyingadventures.com/ 

You'll be able to listen to his blogs where you can hitch a virtual ride as he tells the stories of places that will make you want to drop what you’re doing, pack up and follow him! 

Enjoy the flight…
